Tag Archives | animals

The Inspiration behind ‘Gone Doggy Gone’

People often ask us what the inspiration is behind our film, Gone Doggy Gone.  Well, let me tell you. I had a dog walker named Jill who considered Laila to be one of her best friends. She would come and pick her up and then at the end of the day would report that she had smuggled her into the grocery store, taken her to the movies, to visit her friends and even to her waxing appointments. She also began to return Laila later and later, because she was having so much fun with her. And I began to worry. One day, I expressed this concern to Brandon and he said, “What if Jill just kept your dog”?… I really considered that and so did he and an idea was born. What if… someone kidnapped your dog?

The Inspiration for ‘Gone Doggy Gone’ from Buzzworm on Vimeo.


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