Tag Archives | #rumimurakami

Day 1-Directing Richard Riehle

I’m gonna shout it to the world. Richard Riehle is THE most fantastic actor to work with. For those of you who don’t know him by name, he’s one of those guys where you go, “Oh yeah, I love him, he’s in everything!”

This is my first feature film and I was lucky enough to have the honor of scoring such a seasoned pro through my hard working producers. From day 1, Richard showed up on set with a smile on his face and a hello for everybody. He never complained about the ULB rate, that he didn’t have the luxury of a trailer, he knew his lines to a t (with improv on top),  and he was generous to his fellow actors. He also addressed me and my co-director Brandon in such a respectful way that it hit me on day 1, “Oh crap. I AM the director of this thing”. He made me want to be the best director I could be and I was honored to have him and his talents to cut my teeth on for the next 17 days.


Richard Riehle ‘Stan Janson’ is comforted by his ‘Secretary’ Rumi Murakami.


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